A few appearances of Edible Blooms in the Media...

August issue of Australian Women's Weekly

Australian Women's Weekly
July Issue

Australian Women's Weekly
June Issue

InDaily Adelaide's Independent News
10 minutes with.. Edible Blooms founder Kelly Baker Jamieson

"Edible Blooms Celebrates 10 years of Gifts from the heart" - Shesaid
2nd November 2014

"Work from home? Seachange? These people show flexible work is possible"
"Best Gifts for Mum" - The Today Show. Channel 9

"The Block - Fans vs Faves" - Channel 9
27th January 2014

Giftrap Magazine, Australian Gift & Homeware Association member publication
March 2014

The Advertiser, "Appetite for growth as new ventures bloom"
4th March 2014

The Deal "Brothers and Sisters"
July 2012

MX "Job Satisfaction is Sweet"
July 2012

Business Review Australia "Sibling Enterprise"
June 2012

Wealth Creator "Good Enough to Eat"
April 2012

Your Money Magazine "Blooming Great Idea"
December 2011

Adelaide Advertiser "Business Blooms forour Top Women"
September 2011

Smarter Business Ideas "Making Business Bloom"
April 2011

NETT "The Fab 40"
November 2010

NETT "The Fab 40"
November 2016

Express "Blooming Business Success"
Spring 2010

Adelaide Advertiser "Blooming Marvellous"
September 2009

Working Women "In Full Bloom"
Spring 2009

The Ausralian "Accounts in the Cloud"
February 2009

BRW "Expansion"

NETT "Incredible Edibles"
November 2008