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Edible BloomsEdible Blooms
Why You Should Invest In A Professional Birthday Cake!

Why You Should Invest In A Professional Birthday Cake!

If you have a birthday do coming up there are certain things that should be on your checklist. And everyone knows that people only go to birthdays for two reasons, firstly because naturally, it’s someone’s birthday who is important to them and they want to help them celebrate- which is lovely. Secondly, cake. Professional birthday cakes are a birthday luxury and everyone wants a piece of that pie. This is why professional birthday cakes are also at the very tip top of your checklist, and if they aren’t- they should be.

Now, where do you get professional birthday cakes? Well I can sure tell you, the most fabulous range of professional birthday cakes can be found right here, at Edible Blooms. ‘But don’t you only make bouquets and hampers?’ we hear you ask, well that is a fantastic question because yes we do make some delicious arrangements in bouquet and hamper styles but we also have the most scrumptious range of lamington professional birthday cakes available, and they are here just for you!

Now professional birthday cakes may not be your bag, because we know you may be questioning whether or not you could just make a cake, and if you are the type of person with an abundance of time up your sleave, has some serious baking skills and has all the ingredients at the right time then power to you, you bake away! And yes you possibly would be the kind of person who wouldn’t need professional birthday cakes however this sounds like a rarity even reading it no? Don’t be ashamed to need professional birthday cakes, after all you need a cake, and we are the professionals.

These professional birthday cakes are some delicious fun for the whole family. Sponge cake dipped in chocolate and rolled in coconut, topped with some yummy whipped cream and then finished off with all your favourites like Ferrero Rocher’s, mouth-watering meringues and so much more! These babies are the centre piece you didn’t know you needed, if you rock up to a party holding one of our professional birthday cakes you will be welcomed with open arms!

Our professional birthday cakes also come in the grooviest shapes! A birthday is a special occasion and celebrates a number, so why not get your lamington cake in the shape of how old the birthday guy or gal is? Or even go with some initials for one of the coolest cakes around, our professional birthday cakes come in letter and numbers so you can do any combo you like! They are just so perfect for those milestone birthdays everyone will be asking where it came from!

Don’t wait to get your hands on our professional birthday cakes. If you have a funky birthday coming up and you want to enter with one of the grooviest professional birthday cakes on the market you have come to the right place. Our professional birthday cakes are above the rest, but don’t just take our word for it, order one today, we promise you won’t be disappointed.

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