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Beer Quiz

Beer Quiz


Love your beer? Let's see how much, take our beer quiz today. 

Without further ado, crack open a cold one, and test your knowledge with beer trivia questions. A few clues can be found below if you need a little nudge before you start. 

Whether a lager lover, ale appreciator or pilsner person, you might  find out something new.

Fast Facts About Beer That Every Beer Lover Should Know

The Slavic word ‘beer’ came from the verb ‘to drink’. Initially, beer was any kind of drink.

The Czech Republic Drinks the Most Beer (If we're talking per capita, Czech Republic drinks more beer than any other country in the world).

Now, if we're talking about the most overall consumption, China moves into first place.

The most common type of beer is lager. Its share in the world consumption reaches up to 80%.

The oldest brewery in the world today is the Weihenstephan brewery in Freising, Germany. It was founded in 1040.

Did you know? 

  1. Around the world, humans consume over 50 billion gallons of beer every year.
  2. Beer is the most widely consumed alcoholic drink on the planet.
  3. The earliest evidence of beer brewing came from Ancient Egypt.
  4. Dating back to 5,000 BC, beer is one of the oldest beverages in the world.
  5. Budweiser is the world’s most famous beer.


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