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Edible BloomsEdible Blooms
Early Morning Pick me Up

Early Morning Pick me Up

We don’t know about you but some mornings it’s a little tough to get going...

We think the perfect early morning task is a quick tidy, rearrange, clear out and freshen up of your desk space.

Here is our ‘Early morning pick me up’...

1.Recycle any old papers that are lying around (scan and file them on your computer...or just get rid of them all together!)
2.If there are any papers that you need to keep hard copies of, find a folder to pop them in and on the bookshelf they go
3.Take a clean damp cloth (no need for harsh chemicals, it’s only dust) and gently wipe over all surfaces
4.Open your windows wiiiiiiide up
5.Now shuffle!! Desk, filing cabinets, computer, photo frames...EVRYTHING gets a new spot
6.Finally, pop down to the local nursery and buy a couple of indoor leafy greens  to add peace, calm and inspiration to your work space

Happy tidying Greenies.

Love GTG xxxx

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